Our morning use to start with a cup of coffee or tea for many years. Recently there is change in this habit. Now a days many of us choosing the healthier way by switching to green tea. And obvious reason is health benefits of Green Tea. It is one of the healthiest drinks than other types of beverages as it has less processing of it leaves. Other beverages tea leaves has more oxidization however, green tea has less oxidization that makes it tasty and colorful.
As the oxidization is less it preserves the natural polyphenols in the tea increasing the benefits of health. The major polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids, the most dynamic of which are catechins and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It has incredible cancer prevention agents that gives you numerous medical advantages. Here we will put a focus on the top 5 health benefits of green tea.
Weight Loss

The medical advantages of keeping a sound weight measure are notable. So in case you’re needing to lose some weight or essentially need to keep a solid weight green tea may help since tea catechins (particularly EGCG) have been found to help weight reduction.
Brain Health Improvements

How great it is the point at which your mind is clear and you can plan, think and do things that you need or need to complete? The blend of caffeine and L-theanine in some green tea causes you to feel great as well as may improve your general mind execution, particularly your memory. Green tea may likewise protect your mind from maturing and creating infections, for example, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Reduce Cancer Risk

The cancer prevention agents found in it assist your body with killing the free revolutionaries that cause cell harm. By expanding your tea utilization, you increment the measure of malignant growth battling cell reinforcements in your body, which may lessen your opportunity of creating diseases like bosom malignancy.
Mood Enhancer

A positive state of mind improves quickly – and green tea might be your easy route to one. It can give you expanded center, make you more loose, motivate inventiveness, and improve work execution. The EGCG in it is thought to cause individuals to feel more calm and improve their memory and consideration. While the l-theanine in tea can help your state of mind and improve sharpness so you can benefit from consistently.

If you’re searching to deal with your skin and keep it young, switch to green tea. Studies have indicated that the polyphenols in it protects your skin from the impacts of bright (UV) light which stops skin cell harm. Additionally, the minerals in it decrease the breakdown of collagen in your skin, protecting against wrinkles and keeping you looking incredible.
There are numerous health benefits and this are only few to be named. Regular consumption of green tea provides you with tons of health benefits. Please visit Easy Slim Tea page on this website. Also read about other benefits of Green Tea on our blog on telecart.com